Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Coming to a Crossroad in Life (Sounds like a catchy title for a sermon eh)

Well, it's been a long hard road, here in the land of college life but, finally I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. The proverbial rainbow so to speak. It has been fun though thanks to some really good and wonderful friends. Friends like Jared, Morgan, Adam, and the frat bros. IF one really wants to learn of the diversity of social life, one only needs to go to a liberal arts school.
I once thought I would never meet a more diverse culture than in the military until I came here. I was most wrong. These guys and gals that I now call friends come from all walks of life. And yet there is one thing I have found, that no matter what racial, ethnic, or cultural differences there has been between us all, one unequivocal truth still remains, that we are more alike than we are different. College, like any other institution that houses a varity of different people still tends to segregate into little groups of which one tends to get both a feeling of belonging and at the same time a sense of self or uniqueness. And even for one of my age (the non-traditional student) its much the same. However, what I have found here with my friends is not a single mindedness, nor a group in a self contained idealistic bubble, but an openness to new ideas, and a willingness to accept all who comes along. The most beautiful thing with us was there was no big I"S and little you's. We didn't care where you came from, who you were, or what your situation was, we just wanted to call you friend and lend a helping hand.
I can honestly say, that had it not for meeting these friends here at Carson-Newman, I would not likely have made it to the end. And in that lies the internal struggle for me. It's my last semester, and with just 15 weeks and counting, I will call myself a college grad. And for all this, all those wonderful friends have moved on. Jared and Adam has graduated, though I still speak and see Jared quite often, its still feels odd not having him for a roomie, along with Adam, who I've got to see once since I've returned. As for my other dear friends Morgan, I really don't know whats happened to him. Its as though he's feel off the face of the earth. He did not return this year, and hasn't replied to any of my emails. I hope and pray that everythings allright with him.
Well, this will have to do for my lastest update, so I'll stop for now and get back to translating Biblical Hebrew. And P.S. Jared, better keep reading that stuff, cause I've already forgotton most of what I knew. Ain't it fun trying to play catch up with a dead language? I promise, new updates will be coming soon, so stay tuned!!

God Bless all who happen to stumble in to my humble pub. The coffees on me! Just follow the sighs!?


Blogger Jared Lucas said...

Hey Bro,

I'm only a phone call, e-mail, and a 45 min. drive away. I wish you the strength and endurance to finish this particular race that being finishing school. I will be praying for those things to be rendered to you as well.

Looking forward to spending some time taking this trip to Southeastern. I always love Road Trips especially with Friends.

Rkay Philia Ophilia!!!!

7:59 AM  

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