The Right to Free Speech
"The First Amendment exists precisely to protect the most offensive and controversial speech from government suppression. The best way to counter obnoxious speech is with more speech. Persuasion, not coercion, is the solution." ~ U.S. Supreme Court Justice John Harlan
I would usually not spend the time to discuss such an issue, due to the fact that as a person who will speak his mind regardless of others pettiness or power. I have however, found myself in quite a quandary or predicament. I recently decided to post some comments on my schools forum in an effort to raise the student body's awareness of their governmental system that exists on campus. Having at one time sat on this Student Government Assoiciation (SGA) as a senator, I found out rather quickly that there was absoulutely no interest what so ever by the entire student body in what or how this organization conducts business and how their decisions effect them.
Needless to say, I apparently stepped on some very tender toes within the current SGA as now I'm am being told to look over my shoulder or I've been given fair warning that there will be some reprissals from some of these members. I do not know how others define free speech within an democratic system, but from I've seen tonight, apparently there are those who feel it is not the democracy they claim it to be. Rather it is a dictatorship with those oppossing their views being dealt with in a harmful manner.
I cannot help but, to respond with go ahead and try. I refuse to live out the remainder of my college life in fear of these little and small despots who would use their power and influence within the college administrative offices or to use bodily harm to scare me.
It has become apparent though that if such means were employed, I would respond not in kind, but with the appropriate legal recall. It is sad to think that these supposed little adults(?) are the future of our country. It is equally sad to think that there are those with that much of a lack of maturity are in a college setting. I firmly believe these bedwetting CHILDREN should be taken out of college and sent back to their mommy's and daddy's for futher instruction and raising.
If I sound angry it is because I am. I do not take threats upon my person, in any form lightly. Neither will I allow anyone person or group to deny me my God given and constitutional right to free speech to speek out against the corrupt and now illegal activities of an organization. For any of you who read my blog, and are a member of that organization, read the student handbook and your own constitution; It is a direct violation of the scholls policies and regulations as well as the SGA constitution to threaten in any fashion to do harm to another student. Since harm can be defined in many ways, to me, a threat to bring illegal reprissals (since free speech is a right granted me by the U.S. government they would be illlegal)to my academic carreer or my physical being, constutes harm.
Hopefully this matter will be resolved with some appropriate form of intelligence, however, I doubt it. To many of the little dictators fellings have been hurt and they will not let it die without they get their pound of flesh. I did as an attempt to appease these little demi-gods, place an apology on the schools open forum to those who felt that I was making a personal attack on them. Yet, I did not and will not apologize for my opinions and comments made on the SGA. I never once attacked anyone person by name, nor any particular political party within it, I commented on the SGA in general. Many of these were not of just my opinion either, many were the opinions of others as well. It just so happened, that this school forum, which I thought would allow for anonymous postings (since they do not require you to post you name) does however post your IP address, which I found could be pinged and show the entire name of the person posting.
I guess no one is safe now, who chooses to speak out against the establishment when we have to live in fear of being found out by emperial forces. It has become quite apparent to me that the school I choose to go to, this school in which I've live and spent the last four years at, and have grown to love and cherish has no tolerence for the liberal arts they teach and claim to hold dear. For if they allow the actions of such student organizations to continue, than they are aiding and abetting in those activities, and that is truely a crime. This is the same school that even now themselves fighting a fundamentalist takeover by certain Christian organizations bent on conforming it to their views and will. These organizations known as the SBC and TBC are already losing their accreditation in several of the schools they have already taken over due to their views and failure to follow the state and federal educational quidelines for colleges and graduate schools, leaving their students with no hope for a future in their major.
Anyway, I've vented now, although I do not feel better. I'm still angry at the fact it is not fair that I am not allowed an opinion where others are, as long as they follow the CODE of those in power. To any of the student body who does read my postings from time to time,if you are not a member of the SGA, I urge you to stop ignoring this Influencial and dangerous organization on our campus. Please tell your friends to get invovled, for as long as we choose to ignore them, the greater their power will grow, and believe me they do NOT have your or any of the student bodies best interest in mind, only their own persoanl agenda's. Do not wait until it you who face their wraith for speaking out against their wrongs.
To say the least though, for those of you who would threaten me, I will pray for you, I will pray for myself. That you will become more mature and grow up, and that I may be able to withstand the storm that is rising before me. All invovled in this that I know, call themselves Christian, including myself. And all of those invovled including myself, could sure use a little more time on our knees in prayer. May God forgive us all for the harm we are so readily willing to inflict upon others. And may His mercy fall upon the unmerciful that they may find mercy and forgiveness. Amen.