"As the Sand of Time Fall"
Another week has up and done gone by. Man, that was fast. I quess thats the way it is with life. Speaking of which, it seems as though I have no life this semester. My apt. is starting to feel more like a prison, than a home away from home.
Which, also leaves me with another dilema. As I made my gracious return to cell block 112 here on campus after a 3 day hiatus, I was left with the odd surprise of having to find that my roommate had moved out on me. No note, no forwarning, nothing.
I thought everything was ok, but apparently he and another decided to move off campus sometime ago and couldn't get the apt. until now. Thanks for nothin' AHole!
So now I'm stuck with trying to persuade the new RLC to allow me at least some say so into who will be moving in with me. One of my frat bro's is trying but I don't know if the powers that be will let him. At least he's a good guy and trustworthy.
It's almost tempting to just say that I don't want one except, for the fact I will be charge for one half of the empty room's rent for the semester if I did. Its just another way for the college to put the screws to me I guess. I came in this semester with 126 of the 128 hours needed to graduate from this institution of higher 'blood sucking,' but for some strange financial reason, they deemed it appropriate that the max limit of courses one can take during the summer term was 14 hours. No big surprise that they would not let me have an extra 2 hours. After all whats a couple of hundred dollars compared to another regular semester at $12,000!@$^&
At least I get a break from all this B.S. next week as one of my old bro's and I are paying our dear respects to a graduate studies school in Tarheel country (YEAH). Yes, I am comptemplating the idea of letting old Uncle Sam loaning me more bucks at a fair % rate (HA) of usery, JUST so I can add to my professional repository, so that I myself can me placed in the anals of a higher tax bracket. Yes ole' Unc Sam, I just keep on bending over. U da man Uncle Sam, you just keep on loanin' me that money and I'll just keep bending over.
So let me see how allthis works: 4 years ago I was just a poor working dumb-ass with a low paying job and a home (that I owned)and just a few monthly bills, now I will soon be a highly educated "DUMB-ASS" with my house in morgage and in debt up to my eyeballs! (emphasis added)
All I ever wanted was to be financially comfortable, but somehow when I was a working stiff, bending over for the man it didn't seem that I felt quite as dirty. Now I'm still bending over, and the man seems to be putting it a whole lot deeper than he use to.