I just recently visited Carson-Newman's Website for the first time in a long while. Just when was Dr. Garner replaced as the Head of the Religion Dept. by Dr. Crutchley? This really came as a shock to me. I knew there had been some major shake-ups in the last year but, I was floored by that one. I'm still glad that he's on staff still. Not that I dislike Dr. C or anything, he just didn't impress me much and really seemed to lack any personality. Even as busy as Dr. Garner was, when you went to him; he genuinely seemed to care & would always listen. Besides, if he of his own accord chose to stand down, why wasn't any of the more senior prof.s with a longer residence status selected.
I knew there had been some major shake-ups at good ole' C-N; before and after the departure of the former President of the school but, I for some reason found this to be very disturbing to me. Of course I tried to look into C-N's website a little more but, no longer being a student access was limited pretty much to what they wanted any potential new student to see. Boy would I love to get back on the C-N forum site and read up on what I've been missing these last few years. Of course I also wouldn't be surprised now if the computer lord hadn't already shut that particular link down by now.
Now don't mis-understand me here; I loved my time at Carson-Newman. Most of all what I miss the most is my dear friends I made there, and the staff I was fortunate enough to have intermingled with. If wasn't for these two groups I would of have likely dropped out and never finished. Even those who graduated before me stayed in touch and supported me to the end.
I understand that to grow things sometimes changes but, change just for the sake of change is not always a good thing. This for some reason has renewed my interest in returning back to C-N for a long over due visit and asking a few questions. Having work several years ago as a reporter for a local radio station has renewed that thought of doing a little investigative research and maybe writing an article on the recent events at Carson-Newman.
I wished C-N would set up a link for the alums' to allow access to the sites that we had access to as students rather than the current link which as any of us who's been there knows is nothing more than a solicitation for giving to good ole' C-N. It's seems funny to me that after attending one of the endowment scholarship's banquet one year and listening to how they surpassed the 250 million mark in annual academic scholarships and the roughly 87,000.00 I have already paid them for the education I received, they could have a little more courtesy towards the alumni of the school. I have average since graduation, about 50 or more letters of solicitation for giving back to C-N. So what's up with that? What exactly am I suppose to be giving back to the school. I mean after all, Did I not pay for what I received? Are WE not now paying for it still in student loans payments or in deferment so WE can Pay other schools more money (from mostly borrowed funds) to make us Master's in our chosen profession. Did we not master did we not master these skills in college? It puzzles me to ponder that to educate the youth of today through the high school level all that we require is a 4 year college degree in some humanity or scientific field coupled with a state certification. Why are these professionals not required to be MASTER's in the one most important and vital field of our nation today; The education of our future? It may sound funny but, most states require a substitute teacher to have as much or in the case of one the county's I have subbed in more education or a liberal arts degree including courses such as grief, anger management, public relations, and even a course on sexual conduct in a classroom. I wonder how many of these teachers who have ran off or had affairs with their elementary age students would of benefited from that course. Yet, that same county does not require these state certified , union recognized educators to have any of this to work there. Why, the answer lies within the last sentence; UNIONIZED. Now, I am not against any union who serves to protect the safety and fairness of the employee's whom they serve but, I am against any union whose sole purpose is make sure a worker doesn't have to anything more that show up to their class and protect them from lawsuits stemming from they own inappropriate actions and misconduct in the classroom.
Now this is not to say that all teacher can be categorized into this one group. Quite the contrary. I have met a few teachers who I have nothing more than the utmost respect for. Who strive to see that each and every child is given an opportunity to get a equal and fair education. Unfortunately, these brave and dear teachers usually become canon fodder and quick casualties of the political wars that control our educational systems on both, the local, county, state, and federal levels. They usually burn out quick and either quit teaching all together or move over to the private sector for less pay and benefits. If they choose to stay they become subsidized and relocated to the most undesirable teaching positions in the system requiring them to move clear across the county or drive the distance everyday. The same general statement can go for those who choose to teach in the higher fields of academia. The good ones you can usually find teaching in the smaller private colleges for less pay and less job security than their politically motivated brethren and sisters in the higher paying state universities with the almost limitless benefits.
But do not think that even in the private sector that politics and money plays no role in these forms of education. On the contrary, it the youths of those in power, with the political and monetary clout that attend these schools. It is these elite few who subsidized and minimize the public education system into practically nothing more than a daily holding cell with high priced baby sitters to keep the little brats off the streets so their pour parents can toll away for a minimum wage on a job worthy of a much better rate of pay. Who proudly but, often blindly go to work every day to make their rich bosses richer while their families do without any form of medical insurance and little if any food to place on the table. AND WE HAVE THE GAUL TO ASK, "WHAT'S WRONG WITH OUR YOUTH TODAY?"
Why are so many turning to alcohol, drugs, dropping out. Why is if there is no child to be left behind, so many are? Why? Because, of no hope and a lack of faith in a system that as they see it, has always been against their parents and now them. Even these petty minimum wage jobs are being taken away and given to peasants overseas because, the minimum wage cuts to deep into their ever swelling profit margin here. Why pay an proud American worker by the hour a minimum wage when I can pay some poor family of 12 about a buck a day to mass produce a low quality inferior product that the poor saps who I took away their job will continue to purchase.
WE as a nation have become our own worst enemy. We absolutely must have reform if we are to ever reclaim our heritage as both a Nation who is look upon with pride and fear by others and a God fearing nation who will no longer back down from our beliefs; standing for what is good and right. My GOD, we don't even have the balls to fight a war anymore. I had never thought of myself as one who would look at the prophecies of John the revelator as being as relevant to society today as they were in his day but, the patterns are just unfolding to neatly according to his revelations.
Atheism and homosexuality have become the flavor of the day. We can't get through the day without a pill and the night without a drink. Children are being taught tolerance for those who are so-called different. My Bible teaches me to love others but, not to tolerate sin. It tells me to love my brother but, not to make my bed with him. And now we are hearing everything from history that Jesus was married to He was gay. But, I thought according to these same so-called experts; He never existed? So, it would seem to me that if these imps of satan cannot convince everyone of their lie than the best they can hope for is to discredit His life and good works.
The rich and powerful who will likely burn like their ill-gotten treasures, have yet to succeed in completely removing God from our schools. Did you know that in our public schools that it is against the law for students to form or perform and type of prayer to the true Christian God but, that that same law which banishes public prayer in school protects the right of other's (foreigners, illegal aliens, etc.) to openly and publicly pray, hold religious ceremonies, and restrict the rights of Christians to eat certain foods or have certain events in the school because it violates their CIVIL rights to freely worship when and where or however they choose to their false gods, even though their not citizens of the USA? I watch my son receive 3 days of in school suspension for wear one of these bracelets that said Jesus on it and I was sent a letter informing me that if this happened again he could be suspended from school and I maybe subject to certain fines and penalties for allow him to violate federal and state policies and laws governing the separation of church and state. What a hoot. It just so happens that one of his classmates who is a non-US resident here because their parents who were given a free education by the US to become doctors and are allowed to work here are worshipers of the false hindu goddesses 'Kali' or god of death. Her purpose is to instill the fear of death on all. Her position within the belief structure is that she defeated and killed all the other god including her own parents and the gods of the worlds. According to this child, this 'kali' (or dark mother as she is sometimes called) is only to be feared by non-believers. It is they (the non believer's) who feed and sustain her, and their dead body parts (heads and hands) that make up her adornments. Since all hindu's forbid the eating of meat or being in the presence of such the school cooks must prepare a special meal each day for them each day. Since this meal cannot be eaten in the cafe where the other children eat because of the meat products, she has been give a special room for in which, she can take her meals and allowed a certain amount of free time each day while in the class room to practice her daily rituals in front of the other children. Now, this is all done so that we do not violate these non-residents, and no-tax paying foreigners religious and civil rights. Now maybe some may say I really need to lighten up or that I've stretched myself and maybe the truth a little. But, let me ask any of you this, exactly where does it violate the law with what happened to my child versus it being allowed by law for others out of fear by a once God fearing and glorious nation? This idea of tolerance and temperance has not only made us weak but, has allowed our nation to be overrun.
I really don't know who I've gotten so far off subject but, it really is time that we as not only as a nation but, as individuals woke up to the realities surrounding us. America has lost her luster, the Eagle's wings have been clipped and Lady Liberty has her head hung in shame. Our fallen soldier's and veteran's who fought and died for this country are rolling over in their graves.
Psalms 13
1 | How long wilt thou forget me, O LORD? for ever?
| How long wilt thou hide thy face from me? |
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2 | How long shall I take counsel in my soul,
| having sorrow in my heart daily? | How long shall mine enemy be exalted over me? |
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3 | Consider and hear me, O LORD my God:
| lighten mine eyes, lest I sleep the sleep of death; |
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4 | lest mine enemy say, I have prevailed against him;
| and those that trouble me rejoice when I am moved. |
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5 | But I have trusted in thy mercy;
| my heart shall rejoice in thy salvation. |
| |
6 | I will sing unto the LORD,
| because he hath dealt bountifully with me. |
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